The benefits of learning a new language | And how you can start learning from today .

Whenever we want to learn something productive we always think about learning a new language. Learning a new language is by no means a child's play but with proper guidance and practice, one can easily master a new language no matter how difficult it seems. So here in this article, I will tell you about the advantages one can have after learning a new language and also some language learning tips which will help you to achieve your goal. Following are some of the benefits you can have after learning a new language ; 1) Gives a good impact on your CV: Suppose you are interviewing two candidates for a marketing position. One has advanced language skills in Mandarin while the other does not. It is obvious who will get the job 2) A productive skill: Learning a new language is one of the best skills you can acquire nowadays. It's a great way to sharpen your mind and make yourself more productive. 3) Can easily make new friends: After learning a new language one can talk with the nat

How does living in a dysfunctional family effect children.


A dysfunctional family is simply a deficient family. The simple definition of delighted family that we learned in school, it's the opposite of that family.' A family where issues are not worked out normally', A family where the members do not act commonly. Deprivation of sympathy, lack of communication, abuse, and neglect are the common characteristics of such families. According to a survey done in Uk in 2018, 11,270 children were taken into care due to dysfunctional families. There are many harmful effects on children after growing up in such flawed families. These effects can be  long time. 

Following are some of the effects:

  1. Anxiety and Depression:
  2. Lack of trust:
  3. Being jealous of others:
  4. Being good at fabricating:
  5. Afraid of starting a family:
  6. Always feeling guilty:
  7. Lack of empathy:

1)Anxiety and Depression:

The most common effect that children with dysfunctional families have is suffering from mental illnesses, and the most common of them are anxiety and depression. Feeling anxious all the time because you can't open up to your family, or worrying about when your parents will fight again makes your mind so troubled. You are never free from your negative feelings. Depression is also a very common illness in such individuals. Therapy is needed to heal such disorders.

2)Lack of trust:

Growing up without love makes you feel so cold and tough that it becomes very difficult to trust anybody. Even if you meet people that genuinely care about you, you still perceive that they do not love you. Or they are just pretending to like you. You can't seem to trust others. This is because a family is responsible for making you feel special, and when it does not happen you lose that sense of trust.

3)Being jealous of others:

Always comparing others' families or the way others' parents treat their children is also a common outcome. You start to get jealous of people around you. You always feel a part of you will never be perfect.

4)Being good at fabricating:

When you can't express your real feeling to your family. You start to lie and fabricate things your way. You become good at manipulation because you know your parents will never understand or sympathize with you. This is a common effect on children with such flawed families. This is why having a good relationship with your children is important so they won't resolve to lie.

5)Afraid of starting a family:

Even after growing up, you feel scared of starting your own family. In your mind, you always think that every family is bound to become dysfunctional. You run away from such circumstances.

6)Always feeling guilty:

Guilt is another effect. You always feel like you were the reason why your parents fought. Or you can't do anything to stop it. You always feel bad and have low self-esteem.

7)Lack of empathy:

Lack of empathy is also a common result. You can't express your emotions, or feel bad for others. You feel like nothing is worth showing your emotions. This happens because you were told not to show your sentiments.

Conclusion:Family is like a shelter that gives you peace and makes your confidence high. But not everyone is lucky enough to live in such an environment. Living in such families is very tough for individuals. It can cause generational traumas.


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