The benefits of learning a new language | And how you can start learning from today .

Whenever we want to learn something productive we always think about learning a new language. Learning a new language is by no means a child's play but with proper guidance and practice, one can easily master a new language no matter how difficult it seems. So here in this article, I will tell you about the advantages one can have after learning a new language and also some language learning tips which will help you to achieve your goal. Following are some of the benefits you can have after learning a new language ; 1) Gives a good impact on your CV: Suppose you are interviewing two candidates for a marketing position. One has advanced language skills in Mandarin while the other does not. It is obvious who will get the job 2) A productive skill: Learning a new language is one of the best skills you can acquire nowadays. It's a great way to sharpen your mind and make yourself more productive. 3) Can easily make new friends: After learning a new language one can talk with the nat

How to priotize your mental health as a student.

 Introduction :

Mental health is as important as physical health but most of the time it is neglected. If we talk about students the condition is severe. The rate of suffering from mental illnesses in youth has increased drastically, especially among students. Most mental illnesses start in the teenage. Every one of five students is suffering from mental illnesses the most common of which are anxiety, depression, OCD, etc. Some of the major reasons why student suffers from such issues are :

  • High expectations from parents.

  • The rotten school system, where cramming is given more importance than creativity.

  • Student loans.

  • The constant fear of being failed.

  • Bullying, and ragging in schools.

  • Or simply no awareness of mental health.

In this blog, I will try my best to give such tips that will help students to improve their mental health.

1) Forgive yourself after a bad exam : 

Now, this point is very important, As we all are human we face failure in our life. Even if someone has a very high IQ he still faces failure in his life at least once in his lifetime. Failing an exam or not doing good is indeed painful but please try to forgive yourself you are just a human, and giving yourself high pressure will just make things worst for your mental health. Try to forget the past and move on. Always talk to yourself like you talk to your best friend and forgive yourself just like you would forgive your best friend.

2) Take a break : 

Taking a break means stopping everything from your daily life, your busy study routine, your schedule, etc. I know in this time when working overtime or studying overtime is considered normal and appreciated, but at what cost? By making your mental health a gutter. It's not a good deal anyone can tell that. Yes I know we all lie to ourselves that after doing the assignments, or after the next semester we will surely take a break but the break never comes. So take rest even if you don't want to rest during workdays at least give your mind peace on weekends. You can do whatever you want. Taking care of your mental health or taking a break is not laziness it's just something that should be regularized.

3) Learn to say No :

Student life is indeed a difficult and beautiful journey. Sometimes our parents force us to do things we don't want to do the most common example is that in South Asian countries parents have a mindset of thinking that their children should only study sciences, as it's the only path to good careers and most importantly for a good reputation. They neglect their children's dreams and pressurize them to become a doctor, engineer, etc. The passion for children to study their favorite subject does not matter. Then they do select the degree their parents want them to study even if they hate that degree. This makes a toll on learners' mental health.
So please learn to say no, if anything is costing your mental health then that thing is not worth it. Follow your passions.

4) Always have options : 

Having three to four options in your mind is always better. Because sometimes we don't get what we want, we know everything happens for our good. But still, it's very common that when students don't get admission to their desired course they suffer from depression and other mental health issues. So it's always better to have a wide range of options.

5) Meditation and good habits : 

No doubt student life is very hectic but taking care of your mental health should not be an option it should be a priority. Because of that, it is advised to meditate, even for 5 minutes a  whole day it will give you so much inner peace. Make sure you are having healthy eating habits. Eat food that provides you with nutrients. Many college students are tight on budget and because of that they pretty much live on coffee and noodles. It does not have a good effect on mental health. Also, sleep on time. As sleeping is very important.

6)  Have therapy : 

Sometimes whatever students do they cannot cure their minds. They find themselves anxious, and depressed, always worrying about the future, worrying about bad grades, etc. For that reason, Psychotherapy is very important. One can cure himself very easily with proper sessions or medications if needed. But most of the time therapy is very expensive, especially for students, so to tackle that try to have online therapy sessions as they are much more affordable on students' pockets, also students can give a visit to their school therapist or guidance counselor. They will surely guide and help them. 

Conclusion:  Taking care of your mind as a student is very difficult so one should always try to prioritize it over anything. Good grades with bad mental health are not worth it. Changing your mindset and habit has a direct relation with good mental health. 


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